Saint Mary’s Park Clean Up

3 May 2014 was a gorgeous day!  Not only was it beautiful outside, but we had a great turnout from the neighbors and the Baltimore Bike Party!

We started at 9am, sweeping, pulling weeds and raking.

Cleaning up St. Mary’s Park
Community action – working together to clean up St. Mary’s Park

Then we moved onto planting new bulbs, replanting trees/bushes and mulching.

Some people were able up stay well into the afternoon, making our beautiful park more lovely than ever!

Beautiful Park!
Beautiful Park!


Upcoming events

Hello, all!  It’s been a long winter, but it seems like spring has finally arrived!  There are a lot of exciting things planned for the summer, and your Seton Hill website and our FaceBook page should be amongst the first places you check!

On 25 April, the Baltimore Bike Party will start their ride from our Saint Mary’s Park.  This is an ongoing event that happens the last Friday of every month.

Then, on 3 May, Seton Hill neighbors and park users alike will join up for some spring cleaning.  Well start at 0900 and weed and beatify the park until the donuts run out!