Friends of St Mary’s Park of Seton Hill Association wish you all well in these stressful times and encourage you to take a little time to enjoy a sunny day celebrating the earth by enjoying our beautiful (if currently somewhat overgrown) St Mary’s Park.

Seton Hill Association wants to assist neighbors who would like to help keep our park, streets and neighborhood clean and beautiful, whether on earth day or any other day. For this purpose we have purchased several clean up tools such as brooms, shovels and trash pick-up sticks which we are happy to loan out and share.Please contact to arrange equipment loans.
Remember to follow these guidelines:
• Do not come to the park if you have any flu-like or Covid19- type symptoms
• Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, etc.
• At all times observeCDC’s minimum recommended social distancing of six feet from other people. Keep it as you walk or work.
• Wear a mask as recommended by our Governor to protect yourself and others