Every day you spend a little time outside in the neighborhood. Some days it might only be a 3-second dash to your car, other days you may be out for hours, enjoying the nice weather, talking to your neighbors, or playing in the park. When you’re out in the neighborhood, take some of that time to look around and see if there is anything you can do to make it a little better. Whether that’s pulling a few weeds out in front of your house, picking up trash that someone else (illegally) left behind, or maybe it’s something even bigger than that.
This post today is about someone who did just that – a neighbor of ours who noticed a problem in the park, and then spent an entire morning to correct the problem. The Seton Hill Association would like thank Dave, George St resident, for his amazing work on the NW wall of Saint Mary’s Park.
For those of you who have spent some time on that side of the park, the outer wall was starting to crumble. The bricks weren’t holding up. Dave recognized this, and through coordination with the Seton Hill Association, was able to come up with a plan to amend this wall.
Thank you, Dave! It’s amazing the affect one person can have!
Check out the before and after photos!