Park Clean Up!

Come out on Saturday for a park clean up in St. Mary’s Park!

Beautiful Park!

Twice a year we like to get the whole neighborhood together to do a nice scrub of the park.  Rain or shine, we’ll be out there with our park steward John Crimy.

Date: Saturday, 29 August

Time: 7am – 11am

Location: Please meet at the park building for tools and gloves.

BONUS: Property owners who pay a stormwater fee can receive a $10 credit on their stormwater fee for every 8 volunteer hours (a minimum of 8 hours). This event is only 3 hours, but household members can combine hours and residents can attend another clean up or tree planting, etc. and gain the full 8 before the end of the year.

See you all on Saturday!


Message Board Contest

Seton Hill's message board
Seton Hill’s message board

I’m sure you’ve noticed the message board.  Thanks to the park steward, John, it was recently moved down near the park building.  Right now there’s not much in the message board – this is where you come in.

We’re inviting all to join in and submit ideas for the background of the message board.  It can be Seton Hill themed, Baltimore themed, or specific to St. Mary’s park.  Use your creativity!

Your design should cover a 2 feet by 4 feet area.

Take a picture and submit your fun and creative ideas to the Seton Hill Association board:

The next Seton Hill Association meeting is 12 August 2014, where all can vote on the submissions!

Saint Mary’s Park Clean Up

3 May 2014 was a gorgeous day!  Not only was it beautiful outside, but we had a great turnout from the neighbors and the Baltimore Bike Party!

We started at 9am, sweeping, pulling weeds and raking.

Cleaning up St. Mary’s Park
Community action – working together to clean up St. Mary’s Park

Then we moved onto planting new bulbs, replanting trees/bushes and mulching.

Some people were able up stay well into the afternoon, making our beautiful park more lovely than ever!

Beautiful Park!
Beautiful Park!