Our next neighborhood meeting with be Tuesday August 8 at 7pm. Location Baltimore Village Corporation 425 West Monument Street Optional Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84718946659 Meeting ID: 847 1894 6659 One tap mobile +16469313860,,84718946659# US +13017158592,,84718946659# US (Washington DC) Look forward to seeing you there! Annual Elections The annual elections will occur during the October general meeting. August is the last meeting before the annual elections. To be eligible to run for a position on the board, you must have attended at least one of the following general meetings: April, June, or August. To check if you are eligible to run, email mmaher@setonhill.org. Neighborhood Cleanup Thursday 8/10 5:30-7pm St Mary’s Park Building Please join neighbors for our monthly neighborhood cleanup. We’ll start at the park building to get gloves and tools. Feel free to join us when you’re able, even if only for part of the time, it all helps. If you’re a member of the Seton Hill Association, or become one, you get a free trash pick up stick. About the image According to neighbor Jeremy Shell, this image is of John Waters shooting his very first film, “Dorothy the Kansas City Pothead”, on Jasper St. |