Buying in Baltimore

We’re always looking for tips about buying a home in Baltimore!  The BBJ just published this article.  Looking for a house in Seton Hill?  Check out our properties listings.

State, city set aside $3M for Baltimore homeownership incentives
Aug 12, 2015, 3:02pm EDT

Baltimore and the state of Maryland are starting a new homeownership assistance program designed to boost the city’s real estate market months after April’s rioting.

The program, called the Maryland Grand Slam, makes available down payment assistance grants of $7,500 to people buying homes in Baltimore City. It also includes federal tax credits for mortgage interest payments, fee waivers worth as much as $450 and a 0.25 percent discount on Maryland Mortgage Program interest rates.

Both the city and state are providing funding for the program. Baltimore’s Board of Estimates on Wednesday approved $1 million for down payment assistance grants of $2,500 per homebuyer. The state already set aside $2 million for additional down payment assistance grants of $5,000 per homebuyer.

“With his housing and real estate background, he is well aware that a strong housing market equates to a strong economy,” Robinson said.

The new program will be available starting Aug. 17, according to Board of Estimates documents. It will run through Dec. 31, or until its down payment assistance funds run dry. The program has enough funding to go to 400 homebuyers receiving $7,500 in grants.

Officials want to use the program to encourage people to move into Baltimore. It’s similar to an effort in Prince George’s County called the Triple Play Initiative. Of 400 people buying under that program, 87 were moving into the county, Robinson said.

The program is also designed to help people buy homes for the first time, said Baltimore’s deputy housing commissioner, Ken Strong.

“We have an increasing number of first-time homebuyers who would not be homeowners without the incentives we provide,” he said.

Baltimore City already has a number of other homeownership programs. They include efforts geared toward buyers of vacant homes, low-income homebuyers and city employees. Recent data show the city’s housing market apparently rebounding since unrest in April but still lagging behind the surrounding area of Baltimore County.

Regards to the new Provincial Superior of the Society of St. Sulpice, U.S. Province.

Seton Hill Association gives warm regards to Father John Kemper, longtime Seton Hill Association Board Member and now former Director of the St Mary’s Spiritual Center as he begins his tenure as the Provincial Superior of the Society of St. Sulpice, U.S. Province. He now serves as the leader of the Catholic Sulpician Fathers in the United States.

The Sulpicians are an integral part of the history and current fabric of Seton Hill.  We wish Father Kemper all the best in this new role and extend our gratitude for his service to our community on the Seton Hill Board.

Next Seton Hill Association Meeting

The next Seton Hill Association meeting is 11 August 2015 at 7PM.

The meeting will take place at Saint Mary’s Spiritual Center and Historic Site, 602 N Paca Street.

Meeting agenda:

-Police Report
-Guest speaker: Councilman Costello
-Treasurer Report
-Development in the neighborhood:
-700 N Eutaw, Old Firehouse
-610 N Howard St, Old Planned Parenthood
-French Fair Coming Up!!  How to get involved.
-Saint Mary’s Park Cleaning (choose a date that works for the neighborhood)
-Historic District Plaques Project updates
-Parking Petition volunteers

For a list of all of our meetings, please refer to our meetings page.