Fall Yoga in the Park

Yoga in the Park friends and participants, please complete this survey! From Nicole “As we get into the Fall season and the sun sets sooner, we will need to pivot to an earlier class. We will continue to practice outside until it gets too chilly! Let me know what days, times and styles work for you! Follow Nicole on Instagram for weekly updates on classes around town! @nicolemespaillat”

Fall Yoga in the Park survey link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe7Lz9XH6jXLQE0xd-jgPfY4vM4u9MMz4yNQuf_v7cW-GBkPw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&gxids=7757

Yoga in the Park

Yoga in the Park today 9/28 @ [NOT 5:00, but*] 6:00! Great for all levels–more info here: https://setonhill.org/yoga-in-st-marys-park/

*I’m so sorry for anyone who showed up at 5:00! I totally just mistyped it–the sessions have been at 6:00. On a separate note, it has been getting darker earlier, so Nicole will be putting together a survey to determine if there are any times earlier in the day / on other days of the week that work for people interested in participating. Stay tuned! -Matt