French Fair Planning Committee


NOTICE: For 2016, we have had to cancel the French Fair. If you are interested in helping out for next year’s, please contact us at

Additionally, a French themed event is being contemplated so if you’re interested in planning please send your contact info to the


Every year, the Seton Hill Association hosts the annual French Fair in our St. Mary’s park. We’re forming a committee to help plan this year’s fair, the 7th Annual French Fair!

Planning meetings meet monthly, starting in June.

Location: St Mary’s Spiritual Center and Historic Site, 602 N Paca.

For details about the fair itself, check out our page on the 7th Annual French Fair.

Here’s what the City Paper had to say about our fair in their 2014 Best of Baltimore edition:

“We love Mount Vernon, home of City Paper HQ, and like every other year, we are tempted to give it the nod here. But one of the great things about Baltimore is the cheap rent, which allows interesting people to do interesting things without working all the time. Seton Hill is sort of like Mount Vernon West, except instead of Mount Vernon’s four little parks, you have the big, brick-walled St. Mary’s Park, and you know you can’t afford one of the big MV mansions, but you can get one of the small little alley houses in Seton Hill. The neighborhood was once Baltimore’s French Quarter—betcha didn’t know we had one of those— founded by refugees from the Haitian and French revolutions, and has the classic architecture and annual French Festival (Oct. 19 this year, with rounds of Petanque and a toddler tour de France) to prove it.”

Please contact us at

Baltimore Heritage comes to Seton Hill!

Jasper St

We are so excited that Baltimore Heritage has chosen to come to Seton Hill to highlight the diverse history of our little neighborhood. Seton Hill resident and preservationist Nell Ziehl is going to lead this tour!

“Just north of Lexington Market are some of Baltimore earliest and best preserved historic buildings, including St. Mary’s Church, the Mother Seton House, and many with French roots. Resident and preservationist Nell Ziehl is leading our stroll through this charming slice of old French Baltimore.”

The tour is 23 April, from 10am to 12pm. Cost is $15. Click here to register.

The tour starts at our beloved Saint Mary’s Spiritual Center and Historic Site.


Saint Mary’s Spiritual Center and Historic Site

Voting time

Who are you voting for? Have you decided? Here are the candidates. Here is a sample ballot.

The first day of voting is Thursday, 14 April. Come join your fellow neighbors on the 14th to vote! We’re leaving from St Marys Park at 6pm to go to the polls! Click here for the details.

FAQ about voting.

Early Voting for the Primary Election: Thursday, April 14, 2016 through Thursday, April 21, 2016 from 10 am until 8 pm., including on the weekend!

Your early voting local polling station is located at the University of Maryland at Baltimore Community Engagement Center. 1 North Poppleton St. Baltimore MD 21201. For a full list, click here.

Primary Election Day: 26 April 2016. Polls are open 7am to 8pm.

Polling locations have changed for the General Elections. Please click here and enter your address to find out where your polling location is. NOTE: it’s different depending on where you live in the neighborhood.