Dear Seton Hillers,
As we reflect on 2023, the Seton Hill Association want to share with you some of the 2023 neighborhood highlights, beyond our monthly gatherings to clean the park and neighborhood:
End of 2022
· Tree planting
· Neighborhood holiday party at the end of 2022 with Dear Globe Coffee
Spring 2023
- April spring event: community dumpster, plant exchange, book give away, clean up, pick-up stick giveaway & refreshments
- Stripping the fountain for painting
- Many gatherings with Bike party: music, games, master gardeners, yoga, food truck & ice pops, & Preakness reruns.
- May tree planting in the park
Summer 2023
- SHA board completed the draft of amendments to the Bylaws for review by the Community Law Center
Fall/Winter 2023
- Pumpkin painting in the park for Halloween
- Community dumpster
- Movie in the park
- Tree planting
Then, in December, we had a holiday party to bid 2023 farewell! Despite the cold, we gathered on Tessier Street to enjoy hot food and beverages!
In 2023, we also saw a changing of the guard. Karen French (current President/former Treasurer) and Molly Ryan (current Treasurer/former general board member) remained on the Board; however, SHA said farewell and many thanks to outgoing board members: Carl Shapiro (former President), Jorgelina Lopez (former Vice-President), Matt Maher (former Secretary), Lynda del Genis, and Tom Aloisi.
We also welcomed five New Board Members: Donna Hooper (Vice-President), Samir Chandra (Secretary), Julia Roche, Lyman Maddox, and Lisa Meyerhardt.
Plans for 2024
- Join us at our regular SHA meetings – see schedule attached
- Help keep our neighborhood beautiful by coming to a monthly clean up
- Watch out for new Seton Hill Street banners going up around the neighborhood in the new year, and hopefully painting of the fountain
- We were awarded a $15,000 Activate your Space grant to build a small community garden on Orchard St in the Spring. We hope to have some raised beds for growing vegetables there. Please reach out to if interested in helping with this
- Yoga in the park should start this spring as soon as it is warm enough to have free classes in the park
The SHA is grateful to Healthy Neighborhoods, Inc, Parksnplay city funding, and the United Way for their support and involvement and we thank you for volunteering and helping make 2023 a Good Year!
Please become a member of SHA if you aren’t already, and consider a donation.