Seton Hill is sad to see our councilman Bill Cole leave the 11th district, but we are very excited that he will be the new President of the Baltimore Development Corporation. Below are a number of news clippings about this appointment:
Mayor Announces Departure of Baltimore Development Corporation President and CEO Brenda McKenzie, Councilman William Cole to Replace Her, 7 August 2014, Mayor Press Release
Councilman Cole to replace McKenzie as head of BDC, 8 August 2014, Baltimore Sun.
New direction for BDC [Editorial], 8 August 2014, Baltimore Sun.
Incoming BDC president Bill Cole: ‘Baltimore is sitting on the launching pad’, 11 August 2014, Baltimore Business Journal
Cole’s record on development draws praise and concern, 12 August 2014, The Baltimore Sun
Baltimore Development Corp. awaits direction as Bill Cole steps in, 13 August 2014, Baltimore Business Journal
What’s next for the 11th district council member? The city council president is creating a committee to nominate a finalist for Cole’s seat, who then needs to be approved by the Mayor. “I am looking for someone who will be independent and vote the conscience of the district, and not mine or not the mayor’s,” Young said.
We’ll keep you updated as we learn about developments!