Holiday potluck success!

What a terrific night! Thank you everyone who made it out to our Seton Hill Holiday potluck. The food was amazing and the conversations were even better. We want to extend a special thank you to Seton Hill Association board member Deacon Vito Piazza and St. Mary’s Spiritual Center & Historic Site for providing the location. Another special thanks goes to Jason Curtis of the Hotel Indigo in Mt Vernon for the generous donations he made. Congrats to all those who won a prize! You’ll have to take pictures when you enjoy the prizes!

We would also like to thank our special guests for their attendance – Senator Catherine Pugh and Councilman Eric Costello!  Thank you for your continued support!

We wish you and your loved ones a happy holiday season.

Email List

Happy Holidays

Hey, Seton Hill!  Happy December!

Don’t forget to sign up for to the Seton Hill email list so you can receive up to date information about the neighborhood!

Click here to join!

And remember, our holiday potluck is next week, 8 December!

Bring a dish and your favorite neighborhood stories!!

Time: 6pm-8:30pm

Location: South lobby of St. Mary’s Spiritual Center.

2015 Holiday Party!

Holiday Party

Join the Seton Hill Association on Tuesday, 8 December 2015 for our annual holiday potluck party!

Bring a dish and your favorite neighborhood stories!!

And – we have a special treat this year!  The Hotel Indigo has donated gift certificates to the Seton Hill Association, which we will raffle off at the party!!

Date: 8 December 2015

Time: 6pm-8:30pm

Location: South lobby of St. Mary’s Spiritual Center.