On Monday the State Center Neighborhood Alliance, of which Seton Hill has been a long time member, and State Center LLC signed a Community Benefits Agreement, the first of its kind in Baltimore. This was an amazing and historic day!
We were joined by Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, Senator Catherine Pugh, Council President Jack Young, Councilman Eric Costello, and Councilman Nick Mosby. Delegate Antonio Hayes couldn’t attend, but expressed his support.
As Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said, “This is what community economic development looks like!”
Thank you so much to all of the community leaders and advocates who have been working for the past 10 years to move this project forward! This has been an enormous undertaking. The last step in the puzzle will be Governor Hogan’s approval.
The event received a lot of news coverage, and our very own resident, Lisa Meyerhardt, was quoted in the BBJ – see below.
Baltimore Business Journal (blog): Backers hope State Center agreement will ‘spark some more movement’ on project
“Community groups would be happy to see action, said Lisa Meyerhardt, a member of the Seton Hill Association. Current development plans began years ago under Gov. Robert Ehrlich administration, she said. Current Gov. Larry Hogan can close the deal, she said.
“All we’re waiting on at this point is for the governor to push forward,” Meyerhardt said. “We’ve done our part. The community and our developer have worked really hard together for ten years now.” “
For more coverage, see:
Baltimore Sun: Politicians, community groups press Hogan on State Center
ABC2 News: Community leaders call for state support of redevelopment project in West Baltimore
CBS Local: Neighbors, Developer Sign Agreement On 28-Acre Redevelopment Project
And, if you have some time and want to watch the full event, you can watch it on Charm TV here.
For background on this event, see this press release.
For more information about the State Center Redevelopment project, please go here.
Here are the community groups involved: Druid Heights Community Development Corp., Heritage Crossing Residents Association, McCulloh Homes Residents Association, Madison Park Improvement Association, Marble Hill Association, Midtown Development Corporation, Mount Royal Improvement Association, Mount Vernon Belvedere Association, Pennsylvania Ave. Redevelopment Collaborative, Seton Hill Association, United Baptist Missionary Convention and Auxiliaries of Maryland, and the Upton Planning Committee.
Thank you again for all of your support!
In the words of John Kyle, the SCNA president, this is one more step towards “fulfilling the promise of State Center redevelopment … of fulfilling the promise of a role in forging our own destinies, the promise of being part of the growth and life of our City and State.”