Category: Seton Hill Events
Party in the Park!
Join us on Saturday, 19 November, from 1pm-4pm for a party in Seton Hill!
The Seton Hill Association is putting on a party in our St Mary’s Park. There will be food, music and entertainment!
Entry is free!
Want to help out? Email us at board@setonhill.og.
Looking forward to seeing you all!
RSVP on Facebook!
RSVP on NextDoor!
Seton Hill Association Election!
What? 2016/2017 Seton Hill Association Election
When? Tuesday, 10/11/16 at 7pm
Where? St. Mary’s Spiritual Center (600 N. Paca Street).
The Bylaws say “there shall be seven officers who shall serve as members of the Board of Directors. The officers shall consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, who form the Executive Committee, and three additional officers.”
Who is eligible to vote? “Any person eligible to vote, who has been a member in good standing for six months, shall be eligible for office”.
“The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of at least one candidate for each office to be filled. The Slate shall be read at the previous meeting of the Board of Directors and shall be included in the Newsletter/notice to membership at least two weeks prior to the annual meeting”.
Proposed slate read on 9/13/16:
President: Wayne Reed III (unopposed)
Vice-President: Wayne Reed III, Nick Blendy
Secretary: Dawnn McClearly (unopposed)
Treasurer: Aaron Greenlun, Deacon Vito Piazza
Board Member #1: Karen French
Board Member #2 Bryann Dunn
Board Member #3 Michelle Mendez
“Any nominations by members in good standing may be made from the floor at the annual meeting”.
Please note: Can’t make the election and interested in voting by absentee ballot please send an email immediately to president@setonhill.org.
Also on the AGENDA for 10/11 will be a discussion about plans for the St. Mary’s Park!