UPDATE, 11 February 2015 –
The Bicycle Master Plan is open for comments from 2 February 2015 to 17 February 2015. It is posted on the DOT website.
Comments can be posted online or emailed to caitlin.doolin@baltimorecity.gov. If you would like to provide your feedback to the Seton Hill Association, we will pass along your comments.
Final adoption by Planning Commission by scheduled for 1 March 2015.
Here’s the part the effects Seton Hill:

Here’s some more background: Baltimore City Unveils New Bike Master Plan, 3 February 2015.
15 January 2015 –
According to the Baltimore Department of Transportation, “since the original Bicycle Master Plan was adopted in 2006, the City of Baltimore has created over 100 miles of on-street bikeways with 39 miles of off-road trails. Numerous ordinances and programs have been established to make Baltimore a better place to bike.”
Despite this progress, many would argue that Baltimore has been behind the curve with regards to bike lanes and a bike-friendly culture.
Baltimore City has heard the complaints and recommendations, and is pushing forward in their efforts to ensure the biking accessibility of Baltimore. As reported in the Baltimore Sun, “On Wednesday, the Board of Estimates approved spending about $300,000 to help pay for the project. Money from a federal program will cover the rest.”
On 28 January 2015, the Department of Transportation will host an open-house at the
Enoch Pratt Central Library Auditorium (400 Cathedral Street) from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm. The Seton Hill Association will be there. Please submit comments and questions to us via president@setonhill.org.
If you’d like to read more about the issue, the Baltimore Sun just published a good article, “Lagging behind other cities, Baltimore moves toward better bike lanes“.