Human Services pop-up center here in Seton Hill

It’s not too late to take advantage of this pop-up center for Human Services!

The event continues until tomorrow, from 8:30am to 4:30pm and it is taking place at the Great Baltimore Urbal League Headquarters, right in Seton Hill.

Address: 512 Orchard St.

The services offered will include, energy assistance, health services, financial literacy and more… !

See the below brochure for more details:  

Elections Results are In!

Great turn out yesterday for the Seton Hill Association general meeting and election! 

Please welcome your executive board:

President: Kevin Macartney

Vice President: Nicholas Blendy

Secretary: Wayne Reed

Treasurer: Aaron Greenlun

General Board:

Bryan Dunn

Karen French 

Vito Piazza

And a big thank you to Council Member Eric Costello for your attendance! Additional special guests were Ashe Smith, the Community Liaison for the office of the State’s Attorney, and Liam Davis, the Community Liaison from the City Council President’s Office of Neighborhood Relations.


Seton Hill Elections – October 2015

Elections for the Seton Hill Association are tonight.  Come out and vote!  The meeting takes place at 7pm, in the Visitor Center at St. Mary’s Spiritual Center & Historic Site:

Here is the Official Slate of Nominees for the SHA elections for Oct. 13, 2015:

President: Kevin Macartney
Vice President: Karen French*
Nicholas Blendy
Secretary: Wayne Reed
Treasurer: Aaron Greenlun

Board of Directors (Select 3):
Bryan Dunn Nell Ziehl
Karen French* Tom Pisanic
Deacon Vito Piazza

* A candidate can only be selected for one position on the ballot

Please come and cast your vote. Note: Only members  who are present and in good standing may vote and run for office, provided they have attended at least one meeting as a member of the Association in the last 6 months. Nominations will be taken the day of the election.