Seton Hill Elections – October 2015

Elections for the Seton Hill Association are tonight.  Come out and vote!  The meeting takes place at 7pm, in the Visitor Center at St. Mary’s Spiritual Center & Historic Site:

Here is the Official Slate of Nominees for the SHA elections for Oct. 13, 2015:

President: Kevin Macartney
Vice President: Karen French*
Nicholas Blendy
Secretary: Wayne Reed
Treasurer: Aaron Greenlun

Board of Directors (Select 3):
Bryan Dunn Nell Ziehl
Karen French* Tom Pisanic
Deacon Vito Piazza

* A candidate can only be selected for one position on the ballot

Please come and cast your vote. Note: Only members  who are present and in good standing may vote and run for office, provided they have attended at least one meeting as a member of the Association in the last 6 months. Nominations will be taken the day of the election.

**French Fair cancelled**

We are very sad to announce that we are cancelling the French Fair, which was scheduled for this Saturday, 3 October.  Thank you so much to everyone for your interest and support, however the weather is not cooperating.  We have also chosen not to reschedule (too difficult logistics wise), however we will keep you informed of any other events we may have.

    Thank you, thank you again for your support.  Try to stay dry this weekend!

    And – if you do venture out (which you should do!), don’t forget to check out Seton Hill’s newest business – the Neighbor Fiber Company.  Their grand opening is this Saturday as well, 3 October. Event starts at 10.  Check out their Facebook invite for more details.

    Outerloop Sweater Club - Monthly Payments


    Additionally, St Mary’s Historic Site will still be open from 1-3pm.  Stop in and learn about the history of Mother Seton!

    Mother Seton House


    For updates, join our mailing list!