Candidates Forum!

Save the Date! 16 and 23 April 2024!

The Seton Hill Association is teaming up with Mt Vernon Belvedere Association, Bolton Hill Community Association, Charles North Community Association, Greenmount West Community Association, Madison Park Improvement Association, and Rebuild Johnson Square Neighborhood Association for TWO crucial candidate forums shaping the future of our beloved city:


When: Tuesday, April 16: Mayor & City Council President Forum

Where: Emmanuel Episcopal Church

Time: 6:30-8:30 pm (doors open at 6 pm)


When: Tuesday, April 23: District 11 & 12 Candidates Forum

Where: First and Franklin Church

Time: 6:30-8:30 pm (doors open at 6 pm)

This is your chance to hear directly from those vying to lead our neighborhoods and our City. Have burning questions or important issues you want addressed? We want to hear from YOU! Visit to submit your questions for the candidates.

Let’s come together as a community and ensure our voices shape the future of Baltimore. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be an active participant in the democratic process. Spread the word and mark your calendars! #BaltimoreVotes #CommunityEngagement #CandidateForums #GOTV

Historic vote to update Seton Hill Neighborhood Association by-laws

Last week, the Seton Hill Association held a special general election to discuss and vote on whether to update the 16 year old associaiton by-laws.

The vote overwhelmingly supported the update to the by-laws. The updates will:

  • Enhance fiscal policies
  • Increase the clarity of the By-laws language
  • Modernize SHA operations
  • Expand the physical boundaries of the SHA increasing eligibility to become an active and voting member of the greater community

Reason for boundary changes: The current SHA boundaries have not been modified in almost 50 years, despite changes to the surrounding area like the construction of MLK Blvd, and newer housing. The board believes modernization of SHA boundaries will better reflect the neighborhood’s identity. Expanding the boundaries for voting membership eligibility to the Seton Hill Neighborhood Statistical Area, as defined by the Baltimore City Department of Planning (see map), will allow SHA to:

  • Recruit new members who live in areas commonly associated with Seton Hill, and increase participation in activities, meetings, and committees.
  • Increase the number of businesses and institutions (e.g. Greater Baltimore Urban League, Silver Park West, and Arena Players) to be eligible for voting membership.
  • Increase the number of members who identify with under-represented groups, including people of color, renters, and those with lower incomes.
  • Better represent Seton Hill neighbors, business, and institutions currently not eligible for membership in any neighborhood organization.
  • Preserve the historic character of the neighborhood while fostering a stronger shared neighborhood identity with surrounding areas.
  • Develop closer relationships of mutual trust to improve the quality of life in Seton Hill.


SHA has made this a public process to consider the expansion of the boundaries for eligibility to become a voting member. Discussions and meetings have been conducted over two years, although the idea has been discussed for over a decadeMost recent efforts involved:

  • April 2023: SHA board discussed proposed boundary expansion with members at a general meeting and through email. SHA members wanted feedback from residents and organizations that would be newly eligible to be voting members and help from an organization like Community Law Center.
  • August 2023: Further conversations occurred at SHA general Meeting
  • August-October 2023: SHA board conducted outreach and solicited feedback from residents and organizations that would be newly eligible members. Institutions such as the Greater Baltimore Urban League, Arena Players, and Silver Park Westconfirmed interest in becoming members and working more closely with SHA.
  • September 2023: SHA board voted to retain the Community Law Center to help prepare draft revised bylaws.
  • October 2023 – February 2024: SHA board works with Community Law Center to prepare draft revised bylaws 
  • February 2024: at the general meeting SHA was asked to clarify outreach conducted and began further outreach to Edgewood housing which is ongoing – see language for an option 2 for the southern boundary line

Thank you to everyone who came out to participate in this vote! And a big thank you to the last SHA board members who did so much work to make this happen!

Special General Meeting

The Seton Hill Association (SHA) invites you to a short Special General Meeting March 12that 7pm in St Mary’s Park building, and also online via Zoom.  The main purpose of this meeting is to vote on the new Association Bylaws. All neighbors are welcome to attend this meeting; however, only voting eligible members can vote on the Bylaws changes (you must be a current member and have attended at least one meeting in the past 6 months either physically or via zoom).

Meeting link for online:

Meeting ID: 965 4068 2513                          Passcode: 441872

There will be three community items on the agenda:

1.     A vote to update the 16-year-old association Bylaws. These new Bylaws were written with the Community Law Center.

2.     An update from the Sulpicians about work on their building in the neighborhood.

3.     Request for volunteers to help with:

the Seton Hill Architectural Review Committee (ARC) 

AdoptALot community garden project 

Special events for the year 

Looking forward to seeing you all!