Membership FAQs

Who is allowed to join?
Per the SHA’s bylaws, people age 18 and older are eligible for membership in the Association if they meet one of the following criteria:

  • Resident (tenant or resident homeowner) of Seton Hill
  • Non-resident owner of home within Seton Hill
  • Business or institution within Seton Hill
  • Neighboring non-resident of Seton Hill

Why be a member?
Share your voice! While anyone can attend meetings to share your ideas and hear from their neighbors, you must be a member to vote. During SHA General Meetings, the SHA board solicits feedback in the form of voice voting from SHA members on issues that impact residents, homeowners, and business owners in Seton Hill.

Elect the board! Active members of the SHA are eligible to vote for members of the board of directors each year at SHA’s October election meeting. To vote in the October election meeting, you must:

  1. Be a current member of the SHA,
  2. Be a resident, homeowner, and/or business owner in Seton Hill, and
  3. Have attended at least one meeting as a member of the Seton Hill Association in the last 12  months.

Run for the board! You need to be a member in order to run for a position on the SHA’s Board of Directors. Our 7-member board is elected each October. To run for a board seat, you must:

  1. Be a current member of the Seton Hill Association,
  2. Be a resident, homeowner, and/or business owner in Seton Hill,
  3. Have attended at least one meeting as a member of the Seton Hill Association in the last 12  months, and
  4. Have been a member of the Seton Hill Association for at least the last 12  months.

Does it cost anything?
We do charge annual dues (the membership year runs from October 1-September 30). However, nno one is turned away due to inability to pay. If payment is a barrier, you can do some volunteer hours, instead.

Because we’re a volunteer-led non-profit, your membership fee helps us do everything we do! Annual dues are:

  • $15 to join as an individual member,
  • $25 to join as a household (includes two individual memberships),
  • $30 to join as a resident business,
  • $30 to join as a neighboring non-resident business, or
  • $0 for individual members who can demonstrate four (4) hours of Seton Hill volunteer service in the past year, if membership dues present a financial barrier for you

If you are looking for a way to volunteer, join us monthly in St. Mary’s Park at the park building for SHA’s St. Mary’s Park and Neighborhood Cleanups.